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Use the Home Library drop down menu to choose the Lancaster County branch nearest you. (Indian Land, Kershaw or Lancaster Branch)  Full library privileges will be granted on your first in-house visit with a valid proof of identity and residency.  For access to our digital materials a PIN number is required.  It will be the last 4 digits of your phone number. Fees apply for non-residents.  You will receive your new library card by mail.


Library cards for youth ages 17 and under, require a completed  paper application, signed by a parent or legal guardian who is a registered library patron.


Questions?  Please call 803-285-1502


When activating your library card, please indicate whether or not you would like to receive email notifications of library events.

Lancaster County Library
313 S. White Street
Lancaster, SC 29720
Monday-Thursday:  9am-7pm
Friday:  9am-5pm
Saturday:  9am-1pm

Lancaster facebook

Kershaw Branch Library
101 N. Hampton Street
Kershaw, SC 29067

Monday:  9am-7pm
Tuesday-Friday:  9am-5pm

   (Closed 12pm-1pm)

Kershaw facebook

Del Webb Library at
Indian Land

7641 Charlotte Highway
Indian Land, SC  29707

Monday-Thursday:  9am-7pm
Friday:  9am-5pm
Saturday:  9am-1pm

Del Webb facebook
Lancaster County Logo
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