The Lancaster County Library’s mission is to support community growth by providing services and resources reflecting the wants and needs of our patrons. Our libraries offer children’s programs, reference assistance, online databases, internet access, Wi-Fi, local history, and genealogy.
Getting a Library Card
Library cards are free to all Lancaster County residents. Out-of-county patrons may obtain cards by paying an annual fee. Cards are issued at any branch with proof of current name and address. Online Applications (An email will be sent once the Online Application is submitted confirming your application. Then you must visit your nearest branch library within the next 30 days to pick up your official library card and complete the registration process.)
Your library card can be used at any Lancaster County Library branch or at any participating SC Lends Library. You must present the card each time you borrow materials. The card holder is responsible for all materials checked out on his or her card. Parents are responsible for items checked out by their children. Report the loss of a card promptly to prevent its unauthorized use. A cardholder is responsible until the loss is reported. Please notify the library of address or phone number changes.
Acceptable form of ID:
Driver's license
South Carolina Department of Transportation ID
Military picture
Acceptable proof of residency:
Picture ID with current address
Bank/check statement with current address
Tax notice with current address
Recent utility bill with current address
Lancaster County voter registration card
Recent rent receipt with current address
Checkout Period
Items circulate for 3 weeks, unless otherwise labeled. DVDs circulate for 1 week.
Returning Materials
Materials may be returned at any Lancaster County
Library branch or any SC Lends Library.
Requesting Materials
If an item is not on the shelf, a staff member can place a hold on that item for you. You can also request items online with your library card number and pin. You will be notified when the requested items become available for pick-up.
Overdue Charges
The charge for overdue items is 10 cents per day. Account balances must be below $5.00 in order to checkout library materials with balance paid in full on the next visit. The charge for lost materials is the replacement cost of the item. Fees may be charged for items which are returned damaged. Excessive charges for overdue, lost or damaged materials will result in loss of borrowing privileges.
Interlibrary Loan
The Lancaster County Library may borrow specific books, if available, from another library. Ask at the circulation desk for details about this service.
Other Services
Internet and computer access, coin-op copier, fax, newspapers and census data on microfilm. The main branch also offers an extensive genealogy and local history collection.
Check Out Limits
Circulation Limits: 10 DVDs
10 Audio Books
Total Checkout Limit: 30
Playaways must be checked out by ADULTS